Treating Allergies Naturally – Part 1
Allergies exist in many different forms and many people believe that the number of people with allergies is increasing. Read our comprehensive investigation on “How Treating Allergies Naturally” can help you change your life. Read part 1 of our investigation.
IRKSOME HOUSE DUST – Dust allergy symptoms: Best treatment for dust allergy
Various allopathic examinations revealed to dust mites allergy.
Instead of heeding the advice to convert his cozy bedroom into a sterile operation room and say goodbye to his dog, Tim went to see a bioresonance therapist. Besides the known allergy to house dust mites, he also found intolerance to cow’s milk and yeast occurring in the intestine and maxillary sinus. Tim brings fresh house dust from his vacuum, the car and the office.
After six weekly bioresonance dust allergy treatments, his nose is hardly ever congested and, no matter where he is, he no longer sneezes. He continues to live happily with his dog and the carpet in his bedroom. There is just one disadvantage: His girlfriend ordered him to do the dusting again!
A house dust mite allergy is the most common airborne allergy. Symptoms can range from somewhat itchy eyes to heavy bronchial asthma. Not all positive skin tests show a definite mite allergy. Often other allergens like featherbeds, mold fungi or food allergies contribute to the symptoms.
YOUR DEAR PETS – How to reduce pet allergies: Pet allergy treatment
How to reduce pet allergies?
Bioresonance therapy almost always successfully treats allergies to fur and dander, so that in the end, pets can stay in the family. Besides bringing the allergen extracts to therapy, it is important to bring hairs of your own pets (or of grandmother’s or the neighbor’s pets) as different breeds may cause very different reactions.
Some people are allergic to dachshunds or poodles, others to boxers and shepherd dogs. Many therapists end up with an assortment of hairs from cars, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, mice, feathers of canaries, budgerigars, parrots… fish (?), no, they don’t have any hair. Fish food, however is known to have caused allergic reactions, so has cage bedding for hamsters and birds as well as hay and straw for horses.
In the case of lambs wool allergies, reactions to sweaters, fleece and wool blankets come to mind. Farmers rarely have their allergies to cows, goats or chickens treated to be able to continue to work.
It just took two sessions for the acute symptoms to disappear almost completely. In the following weeks, he undergoes further treatment for chronic food allergies and allergies to grass and grain pollen the tests revealed. Spring and summer are worth living for Alf once again!
Pollen allergies are among the typical seasonal allergies. Depending on the weather, reactions to early blooming plants occur as early as January (hazel, alder, willow) or in April (birch) followed by grass, herbs and grain (rye, wheat, barley). Late summer troublemakers are Artemisia and ragweed. The highest level of pollen is in the air when it is sunny and dry. If the symptoms stay the same when it is rainy and wet, consider getting tested for mold allergy.
Environmental contaminants may cause pollen to become more aggressive. Heavy metals, pesticides, car and industry exhaust fumes change the pollen structure. Even when patients were treated successfully, symptoms may recur, if environmental pollution changed drastically. Birch pollen is a good example for this phenomenon.
The birch is a tree that “cleans” the air. Unfortunately, many environmental toxins are stored in the leaves and pollen, which causes the latter to become particularly aggressive. Occasionally, changes in environmental pollution may cause the pollen structure to change from one year to the next. Some patients who had already been treated may show allergic reactions again. They will have to be treated again using freshly picked pollen.
Some people get runny nose when they smell freshly cut grass or flowering plants. This is called a “scent”, not a “pollen allergy”, and can also be treated successfully and without problems using bioresonance therapy.
FOOD INTOLERANCES – How to find out what food allergies you have
Acute allergic reactions to food can appear shortly after eating a particular food or several hours later. Food allergies symptoms range from itching, rash, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, itchy eyes, sneezing to asthma attacks and allergic shock. Joint pain or psychic reactions are not as common. Among the most common allergens are: dairy products, chicken eggs, fish, different kinds of fruit such as apples, strawberries, citrus fruit; vegetables, i.e., tomatoes, onions, peppers and celery.
Some patients react to food contaminated with sprays, pesticides or mold fungi. Reactions to food additives like food coloring and preservatives are on the rise. Among those are glutamate, benzoic acid and many more of the “E-labeled” substances.
Doubting the test result, as he feels he never had a reaction to these products, he nevertheless adheres to a strict diet. After several days, his skin condition improves. On his birthday, he lets himself be talked into eating a small piece of cake. The next day, the neurodermatitis fares up immediately, his skin is as bad as it used to be. Tom is now convinced that the allergy was diagnosed correctly! After dieting strictly again, his skin quickly improves.
Cow’s milk and wheat are two foods that people in our culture have been in constant contact with almost daily since early childhood. If allergies run in a family, it is not surprising that somebody may be more sensitive to one or the other (or both). Due to daily contact with the allergen, the person develops a chronic allergy, also called ‘’larval’’ or ‘’hidden’’ allergy rather than an acute allergy. Diagnosing this kind of allergy is all the more difficult as there are neither immediate symptoms nor can antibodies be found in the blood (in most cases). This is also called ‘’masking’’ an allergy.
Among these diseases are chronic allergies such as chronic inflammation of the skin (eczema, neurodermatitis), the mucous membranes (chronic sinusitis, bronchial asthma), the digestive system (colitis) or other non-specific symptoms affecting muscles and joints (‘’soft tissue rheumatism’’), the bladder (irritable bladder), or a changing psyche (hyperactivity).
If patient completely eliminates cow’s milk and wheat from his diet for three days (abstinence), he will notice a peculiar phenomenon: the allergy up to now ‘’larval’’ or ‘’hidden’’ is ‘’damasked’’. The body now reacts to these foods as if it were an acute allergy. In many cases, there is an immediate strong reaction. During this therapy phase, the patient may experience heightened sensitivity to these foods for a period of time. It is important the patient is aware of this from the very beginning.
Besides cow’s milk and wheat, other substances can act like chronic allergens especially when they are prevalent in the body. Mercury in amalgam filling or candida-fungi, as seen in intestinal mycoses, can cause chronic allergies.