Bioresonance Therapy does it work?
Bioresonance Therapy does it work? Case studies of how electromagnetic waves can be used to diagnose and treat human illness naturally.
Hay fever
A female patient began suffering from hayfever in 1996. Her eyes itched, watered and were almost swollen shut. In addition, she was suffering from breathing difficulties. She had blotches on her face and her whole body itched. Allergists prescribed her with a cortisone ointment for their eyes and a cortisone spray for her bronchial tubes. The swelling around her eyes decreased using cortisone ointment but they were still reddened and continued to itch.
The cortisone spray provided relief to the bronchial tubes but caused her to be sick about an hour after use. The therapy chosen for the patient was most unsatisfactory and therefore she looked for alternative options. The calcium sprays which use the patient’s own blood, acupuncture, neural therapy and foot reflex zone massages were also largely unsuccessful.
By mid-March 2001 the patient had looked up a Bicom therapist. Bioenergetic test findings: a number of pollen and food allergies. The pollen allergies were treated using the Bicom device and by the end of April the pollen therapy was completed.
The patient showed no further symptoms and experienced her first allergy-free summer since 1996. Successive treatment then took place for the remaining allergies. In total she received eleven Bicom treatments. Afterwards she was able to fulfil a dream – get her own dog. For now she was able to take him for walks the whole year round without any problems.
Functional dyspepsia
The Italian patient had suffered for around 30 years from functional dyspepsia. His complaints got worse from year to year. He had long since given up his beloved spaghetti, glass of wine and small grappa to follow since he could no longer tolerate them. Since then he had hardly been able to eat anything and looked really gaunt.
Bioenergetic test findings using the Bicom device: pronounced wheat and cow’s milk intolerance. For eight weeks he had therapy every week using the allergy programs stored in the device. During this time the patient avoided any products containing wheat and cow’s milk. From week to week he felt better and following completion of the therapy he no longer and any complaints. As a small thank you the patient invited the therapist for a meal at an Italian restaurant round the corner.
Over a period of 6 long years the 47-year-old patient could not breathe in through her nose. Her nasal mucous membranes were extremely swollen. She could really only breathe through her mouth. Her nose had been ‘’pierced through’’ again and again and the entrance to her paranasal sinuses exposed. However, this never had any lasting effect.
She heard about bioresonance therapy and went to a Bicom therapist who treated her with the corresponding therapy programs stored in the Bicom device. During the therapy the patient was able to breathe in and out again unhindered through her nose. Four years on she still shows no sign of the symptoms after receiving just one Bicom treatment.
Dental problems
The female patient had her four front teeth crowned. Afterwards the mucous membranes in her mouth felt furry, the roof of her mouth was extremely sensitive, her teeth were not correctly aligned with the roof of her mouth and she had a metallic taste in her mouth. The dentist could offer no advice and even the dental laboratory could find no explanation. The dentist suspected there was a fungal infection and took a swab but the results were negative. The condition lasted several weeks and continued to worsen.
The patient was treated with the Bicom. After the very first treatment there was a marked improvement in the symptoms. After five days the therapy was repeated. A few days later all the symptoms had completely disappeared.
The female patient, 20 years old, had been suffering from neurodermatitis from the age of 9 months. Very acute itching. Deterioration over time. Bioenergetic test: wheat allergy, cow’s milk allergy, Candida albicans. Candida therapy through Nystatin, diet and Bicom. Allergy therapy with the aid of the Bicom device. After three months the patient showed no further symptoms and today, 2 years on, is still free from all symptoms.
Mastitis with blocked milk ducts and suppurating nipples
Shortly after the birth of little Lena the problems with breastfeeding began. Breastfeeding became more and more painful for the young mother and she was only able to feed her child through gritted teeth and with tears in her eyes.
The midwife said that this was normal in the settling in phase. At this point the nipples were very in inflamed and began to discharge pus. The milk started building up and the breast became harder and harder.
The midwife used homeopathic agents and recommended a quark compress, but nothing helped. In the meantime the mother had developed a fever of 40 degrees. The gynecologist who was now brought in advised her to stop breastfeeding immediately and started her on a course of high-dose antibiotics. The mother did not want to stop breastfeeding under any circumstances.
An experienced Bicom therapist treated the patient with the ‘’mastitis’’ and ‘’lymph activation’’ programs which were stored in the device. Immediately after the first therapy the patient felt a significant improvement in her chest and could lift her arms again without this causing pain. By the following day the fever had almost gone. On the two days following this she was treated in the same way and after a week the mother was able to breastfeed little Lena again.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
A 9-year-old girl had been suffering for some time from such acute pain in the knee joints that she was no longer able to walk and was confined to a wheelchair. The pediatric orthopedist diagnosed her as having juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Laboratory tests showed raised blood sedimentation, raised leucocytes, rheumatism factor negative. The orthopedist treated this with the rheumatism drug Ibuprofen without success. Biophysical testing: cow’s milk allergy. The child observed a 4-week abstinence from cow’s milk and underwent Bicom therapy twice a week. Afterwards she no longer needed a wheelchair. After a further 3 weeks the little girl had no further symptoms. Her mother wrote 3 months later to say that her child was doing very well. She now enjoys trampolining and aerobics.
Anti-smoking therapy
When the general practice was sent its Bicom device, the practice team was curious to see whether this therapy would work as well as had been claimed. They therefore decided to test out the Bicom on themselves to begin with. The seven assistants were smokers. They received an anti-smoking treatment with Bicom device and every one of them gave up smoking.
Ulcerative colitis
A female patient, 54 years old, became ill with colitis ulcerosa in 1987 with recurring severe flare-ups: watery bloody stools were passed almost every hour with severe tenesmic pain, nausea, vomiting as well as muscle and joint pain. At least twice a year she received hospital treatment. Long-term therapy followed based on 5ASA, Colifoam and Prednisone.
Half a year prior to the onset of the illness, the patient had had a filling removed.
In June 1992 the biophysical allergy diagnosis was: cow’s milk protein allergy, amalgam stress.
Bicom therapy: amalgam elimination, allergy therapy. At the beginning of October 1992 the patient was completely cured of all symptoms and to this day there has been no recurrence.